The last day... It sure was a sad day... Only two and a half days have passed and I've already had loads of fun! Today, we had to get up really early! Everything had to be quick and fast. We had no time to eat breakfast or sit down and relax. It was a 5 hour drive and we needed to make time!
As we drove to Haneda Airport, I thought about all the memories from the past two and a half days. It was a great start to an epic journey. None of this would have happened if it weren't for my friends here in Japan. They all came out and did everything they could to make my stay in Tochigi and Ibaraki a great one. The Otani family were especially welcoming as they opened their home to me and let me stay their for a long period of time. It reminded me of the old n days when my family used to go over to the country (Waianae, a place in Hawaii) for "get-togethers" and stuff like that. Everyone had a lot of aloha. And they were always laughing and smiling.
Thank you Taku and my Otani family! Thank you Kimiko, Satoru, Tomohime, Sadie, Ryouta, and all of my friends in Tochigi. You've made my stay fantastic! I look forward to the next time we meet... in October. =D
Thank you Taku and my Otani family! Thank you Kimiko, Satoru, Tomohime, Sadie, Ryouta, and all of my friends in Tochigi. You've made my stay fantastic! I look forward to the next time we meet... in October. =D