Applying for financial aid can be a time consuming activity. It is, however, very much worth the effort. If financial aid didn't exist, I would have probably went through school spending most of my time working to save money to study abroad in Japan. Thanks to the following grants and scholarships, I can finally achieve this dream.
Being awarded a scholarship is like opening up that present you've always wanted as a kid on Christmas Day. With that being said, I want everyone to receive them! Below are the qualifications you need to apply for these scholarships and grants and the steps you need to complete in order to apply for them.
Being awarded a scholarship is like opening up that present you've always wanted as a kid on Christmas Day. With that being said, I want everyone to receive them! Below are the qualifications you need to apply for these scholarships and grants and the steps you need to complete in order to apply for them.
Freeman Asia Abroad Scholarship
Application Process:
Federal Pell Grant
Application Process:
Manoa Opportunity Grant
Application Process:
State of Hawai'i B Plus Scholarship
Application Process:
Sales & Marketing Executives International Honolulu Memorial Scholarship
in Honor of Stephanie Lee Uyeda
Application Process: