Securing Permission for Prescriptions
Getting your prescriptions from your home country to another country can be like going through a safe that has multiple locks and combinations on it. Getting to the other side requires a lot of keys and combinations. In this guide, I will be giving you a brief idea of what you need to do before you take your prescriptions to another country. For those of you leaving from Hawaii to Japan, I have a more detailed guide to ensure your success.
Ensuring Success
1. Research the restrictions of taking medicine into your study abroad country, and complete any applications that are required for your medicine to be cleared through the airport. (e.g. If you are going to Japan and plan to take more than a month's worth of prescriptions, you must fill out an application known as a "Yakkan Shoumei")
2. Research the restrictions of the airports you plan to pass through with your medicine.
2. Research the restrictions of the airports you plan to pass through with your medicine.
Hawaii to Japan Guide*
1. Get a doctor's note from your doctor. The Travel Security Administration recommends passengers to bring along any supporting documentation (ID cards, letter from doctor, etc.) regarding their medication needs. Although it is not required to have this note, having it on you will make the screening process quicker. The note must include the following:
- Prescription Names
- Prescription Use
- Prescription Dosage
- Medical Devices' Use
- Medical Devices' Names
- Patient's Circumstances (e.g. Asthma)
2. Apply for a Yakkan Shoumei. If a visitor is bringing in more than a month's worth of prescriptions, they must have a Yakkan Shoumei accompanied with them when they arrive with their prescriptions in Japan. The following documents are required in order to apply for a Yakkan Shoumei.
- Import Report Medication
- Declaration
- Explanation of Products
- Copy of Prescription or Direction for medicines with doctor's signature
- Document Indicating Arrival date and Place.
- Return Envelope with Japanese Postal Stamps required and with Address where you want to receive a "Yakkan Shoumei." The US Post Office near the Honolulu International Airport is one of the last post offices selling International Response Coupons. When buying one, refer to it as an IRC. Saying "International Response Coupon" to them will confuse them. I recommend that you buy three of these to send with your application. Although the maximum length of the envelope is 9 1/4 inches, the 4 1/8 x 9 1/2 are also allowed.
- Prescription Names
- Prescription Use
- Prescription Dosage
- Medical Devices' Use
- Medical Devices' Names
- Patient's Circumstances (e.g. Asthma)
2. Apply for a Yakkan Shoumei. If a visitor is bringing in more than a month's worth of prescriptions, they must have a Yakkan Shoumei accompanied with them when they arrive with their prescriptions in Japan. The following documents are required in order to apply for a Yakkan Shoumei.
- Import Report Medication
- Declaration
- Explanation of Products
- Copy of Prescription or Direction for medicines with doctor's signature
- Document Indicating Arrival date and Place.
- Return Envelope with Japanese Postal Stamps required and with Address where you want to receive a "Yakkan Shoumei." The US Post Office near the Honolulu International Airport is one of the last post offices selling International Response Coupons. When buying one, refer to it as an IRC. Saying "International Response Coupon" to them will confuse them. I recommend that you buy three of these to send with your application. Although the maximum length of the envelope is 9 1/4 inches, the 4 1/8 x 9 1/2 are also allowed.